Όπως και να έχουν τα πράγματα, ο "Mansito" αποτελεί ένα απο τα μεγάλα κεφάλαια στην
ιστορία της Newell's με την φανέλα της οποίας αγωνίστηκε σε τρείς διαφορετικές περιόδους. Αρχικά από το 1996 έως το 2001. Την χρονιά εκείνη έρχεται για πρώτη φορά στην Ευρώπη για λογαριασμό της Γαλλικής Bastia. Επιστρέφει την σεζόν 2002-2003 στην Newell's για να μεταγραφεί την επόμενη χρονιά στην Indepentiente (στην οποία συμπαίκτης του είναι ο Diego Quintana). Για τρίτη και τελευταία φορά επιστρέφει στην Newell's το 2004-2005. Mένει εκτός δράσης για μερικούς μήνες έπειτα από έναν σοβαρό τραυματισμό (ρήξη χιαστού) και τον Γενάρη του 2006 εντάσσεται στο δυναμικό της Ξάνθης. Την σεζόν αυτή ο Manso συμμετέχει σε 10 αγώνες. Την περίοδο 2006-2007 ο
Damian αγωνίζεται σε 17 παιχνίδια πετυχαίνοντας 1 τέρμα. Αγωνίστηκε επίσης στα ματς του κυπέλλου UEFA κόντρα στην Dinamo Βουκουρεστίου. Το συμβόλαιό του λύθηκε τον Μάιο του 2007. Πολλοί έχουν την άποψη πως ο Manso είναι ένας αρτίστας της μπάλας, με υπέροχη ντρίμπλα και "χορευτικές ενέργειες.Κατάφερνε να προστατεύει την μπάλα με έναν τρόπο μου μόνο οι Αργεντίνοι βιρτουόζοι γνωρίζουν. Με άλλα λόγια ήταν μια από τις μεταγραφές που θα μείνουν στο μυαλό των φιλάθλων για τις στιγμές που μας χάρισε.
Αποτέλεσε μέλος της εθνικής ομάδας των ελπίδων της Αργεντινής ενώ βρισκόταν στην προεπιλογή για το Παγκόσμιο κύπελλο του 2002.
Απο την στιγμή που έφυγε απο την Ξάνθη, αγωνίζεται στην Liga Deportiva Universitaria (LDU) του Περού, με την οποία κατέκτησε την αγωνιστική περίοδο 2008-2009 το Copa Libertadores. Καθόλου άσχημα...
Δείτε ένα απο τα ομορφότερα γκόλ του με την φανέλα της Indepentiente:
Καθώς και ένα υπέροχο τέρμα του στο Copa Libertadores:
Damian Manso is an offensive midfielder born on June 6, 1979 in Rosario of Argentina. He took his first steps in football at the academies of Newell's Old Boys and as a result he played professionaly for the first time for the same club in 1996 at the age of 16. Manso was considered to be one of the biggest talents of Argentinian football. Unfortunately some frequent serious injuries did not allow him to develop into what everyone hoped. A big star. "Mansito" is considered to be one of the biggest capitals in the history of Newell's with the vest of which he played in three different periods. Initially from 1996 until 2001. During that year he came for first time in Europe on behalf of the French club Bastia. He returned during the 2002-2003 season in Newell's and was transfered the next year to Indepentiente (in which he was teammate of Diego Quintana). For the third and last time he returned to Newell's in 2004-2005. He remained out of action for a few months due to a serious wound. On January 2006 Damian came to Xanthi. In that season Manso participated in 10 games. During the 2006-200717 games achieving 1 goal. He also played in the UEFA cup matches against the Dinamo Bucarest. His contract we terminated in May 2007. Many have the opinion that Manso is a football "entertainer", with splendid dribbling abilities and magical moves. He can protect the ball in a way that only Argentinian virtuosos know. In other words he was one of those players that will remain in the heart of sports fans for those fine moments he gave to us.
He was a member of the national team U21 of Argentina while he was in the preselection for the 2002 World cup.
Since he left Xanthi he plays for Liga Deportiva Universitaria (LDU) in Perou, with which he won the 2007-2008 Copa Libertadores! Well done...
Αποτέλεσε μέλος της εθνικής ομάδας των ελπίδων της Αργεντινής ενώ βρισκόταν στην προεπιλογή για το Παγκόσμιο κύπελλο του 2002.
Απο την στιγμή που έφυγε απο την Ξάνθη, αγωνίζεται στην Liga Deportiva Universitaria (LDU) του Περού, με την οποία κατέκτησε την αγωνιστική περίοδο 2008-2009 το Copa Libertadores. Καθόλου άσχημα...
Δείτε ένα απο τα ομορφότερα γκόλ του με την φανέλα της Indepentiente:
Καθώς και ένα υπέροχο τέρμα του στο Copa Libertadores:
Damian Manso is an offensive midfielder born on June 6, 1979 in Rosario of Argentina. He took his first steps in football at the academies of Newell's Old Boys and as a result he played professionaly for the first time for the same club in 1996 at the age of 16. Manso was considered to be one of the biggest talents of Argentinian football. Unfortunately some frequent serious injuries did not allow him to develop into what everyone hoped. A big star. "Mansito" is considered to be one of the biggest capitals in the history of Newell's with the vest of which he played in three different periods. Initially from 1996 until 2001. During that year he came for first time in Europe on behalf of the French club Bastia. He returned during the 2002-2003 season in Newell's and was transfered the next year to Indepentiente (in which he was teammate of Diego Quintana). For the third and last time he returned to Newell's in 2004-2005. He remained out of action for a few months due to a serious wound. On January 2006 Damian came to Xanthi. In that season Manso participated in 10 games. During the 2006-200717 games achieving 1 goal. He also played in the UEFA cup matches against the Dinamo Bucarest. His contract we terminated in May 2007. Many have the opinion that Manso is a football "entertainer", with splendid dribbling abilities and magical moves. He can protect the ball in a way that only Argentinian virtuosos know. In other words he was one of those players that will remain in the heart of sports fans for those fine moments he gave to us.
He was a member of the national team U21 of Argentina while he was in the preselection for the 2002 World cup.
Since he left Xanthi he plays for Liga Deportiva Universitaria (LDU) in Perou, with which he won the 2007-2008 Copa Libertadores! Well done...